Sunday, March 20, 2016

Our Beginning Story...

Victory baby!
25 years old. Unmarried. Living in Utah. You know what that means. At least at the Institute scene, I was the guy that needed to get married. I had dated a lot of really great gals. I really liked a lot of them, but there was this...fear. Fear of my future and fear of commitment. I was a frustration. To myself and probably to others. Mom was worried. Dad was worried.  I don't think the Lord was worried though. I think He had a plan. I just couldn't see it.
My last year at SUU was beginning. I was beginning my fifth year as a member of the LDS Institute Show Choir HOPE, and I was still...looking. I mean, I had been looking. I tried pretty hard, I thought. I dated. I "went after" girls I admired. Nothing was working out.
At the opening meeting for HOPE there was finally...hope. I noticed this short brunette. She was exceptionally well put together (You KNOW what I mean!). She was outgoing, really...ridiculously attractive. So...of course, I didn't talk to her. Much. Maybe not even at all. I can't really remember exactly. Besides, I was undercover.
I soon found out she was a freshman.
Game over.
No way.
No how.
I was 25. She was 18. I had no faith in those odds. I didn't even want to get involved.
Fast forward to the HOPE opening social. The choir laughed, we played, we made fools of ourselves. I was then assigned by our then President, Kayeleen Jackson, to be in charge of choreography. With Jenna. Cool. She may have been younger, but she was...very. good. looking...and nice. Of course, she was nice too...
One of our engagement pictures
We talked for a bit. Tried to set a time to work on things...and we went our merry ways. I dated other people, she dated other people. Apparently our chemistry was somewhat undeniable. My roommate set us up on a date while we were choreographing one night. It was for a Halloween activity. He obviously saw something I was too stubborn to recognize.
Our first date was really nice. Cornfield maze, activities in a barn. Fun stuff like that. She was pretty energetic. I loved it. We tried a second date. It was...okay. Square dancing lessons. We were both kind of...meh. So we cooled it for a bit.
I started noticing though that other boys REALLY liked her. I started feeling jealous. Really, really jealous. But of course, I had to be cool, so I didn't do much about it. I started hanging out with another gal. That didn't last too long though...
We drove down to the Forgotten Carols performance that our choir was involved in with Michael McClean. We had a nice ride. I started really thinking seriously about Jenna. She was cute. Yes, she was young in some ways, but those perceived differences didn't really matter anymore. This was a girl I enjoyed being around.
The next part is extremely personal, but I feel I need to share it, because it shows that God is aware of us in our lives. As I said earlier I had been hanging around another gal. One evening I got the very distinct, very clear message that she wasn't who I needed to be dating. The message was clear and extremely blunt. Very clear thoughts to my mind. So clear in fact, that I felt a little annoyed and responded, "Well if you don't think I should date this girl, who should I date?!"
The answer was something to the effect of, "What about Jenna?"
I really liked that idea. I mean. REALLY. I needed that push. Not everyone needs a push like that, but I really did. I was lacking confidence.
I still didn't jump in automatically, but it was pretty quickly afterwards when things started to click into place. She would support me and love me regardless of who I was.
I had struggled with panic and anxiety. She had seen it when I returned from Vegas early from a school assignment. Panic.
She didn't care. She was worried that I was okay. That was huge for me. I needed that. She would visit me at work. I needed that. It made me feel important.
She made a crazy, insane trip to Salt Lake for ONE DAY to see me when I was there for a friend's wedding at the end of December. We visited Temple Square that night. I made my decision that night that she was it for me. Solidly. More solidly than I'd ever been able to make before. I was finally ready and there was peace about it.
We started dating seriously. I still didn't kiss for a few weeks (I was that lame!). I wanted to be sure though.
One night, after we had spent the evening together, I heard a knocking on my window waking me up. It was 2:00 a.m. It was Jenna. Of course I went and opened the door. She informed me in my dark living room that night, when I was half asleep, that she "wanted to be Mrs. Corry."
I told her, "I'm going to kiss you."
But I had to get a drink first. Sleep breath you know...
We kissed.
We talked about marriage the next day. I was nervous, but I still had peace.
We continued dating. I was student teaching, she was in a play, we were crazy busy (it was a taste of things to come!). But dating was wonderful.
My anxiety during the process was not. I started going to a counselor to sort out my thoughts. I still had an underlying sense of peace, but I had listened to my fears so long, for so much of my life, that I needed help sorting my thoughts out. Brent Judd was just the guy. He helped me see thoughts that were rooted in fear and those that were positive. I was able to change my outlook.
I called the temple in March for our June wedding.
I immediately had a panic attack! Hilarious, I know.
I pushed through it. Jenna listened. She still loved me. I knew that my feelings of fear were not real. I knew the peace and experiences I had at other times were assurances that I was making a correct decision.
I actually, and awkwardly, proposed officially after the temple was scheduled. I had a quick dental appointment that day. I never told her about the other appointment with the jeweler.
I proposed on the Mammoth Creek Road. It was in the evening. The sun was just going down. I stopped the car and said, "I can't take it anymore!" I got out of the car.
On HOPE tour
Jenna thought I wanted to...make out or something (not a bad idea...we did have a "no cars" rule...we mostly obeyed.)
I got down on my knee, on the side of a dirt road. I asked her if she'd marry me.
She said yes so many times I didn't know how to respond. I probably kissed her. I like doing that.
I made it through student teaching and panic. Jenna made it through the play and an insane schedule. We pushed though.
When her parents found out we were planning on marriage, they were surprised and stressed! Marriage is a huge financial burden on parents. Her parents pulled through with mine and gave us a day that was beautiful and perfect.
If I were to do it again, I would have been better at communicating with Darrell, Karen, and Alan. They put up with me. I am grateful for that. I didn't deserve it.
Though I was 25, I was a stupid kid, and I didn't know how to proceed with these things. All I knew was that I was going to marry Jenna. I knew that.
We were sealed in the St. George Temple on June 24, 2005. It was an amazing day. I picked her up to take her to the temple. It was symbolic of our life together. We may not always be together 24/7, but we communicate.
Another great shot thanks to our friend Brandon Jackman
The temple itself was wonderful. We were able to visit and talk before the ceremony.  During the ceremony, when it was Jenna's turn to say "yes", she was so emphatic with her "yes!" that our friends and family there had to laugh. It was wonderful. It was comforting to know she loved me.
The ceremony was powerful. I felt as though power were pulsing into my body from above. It is hard to describe, but I knew we were doing what the Lord wanted us to do. I also know now that it was a sign from Him to me that I was worthy and ready. That He could trust me to keep my covenants. I hope to always keep that trust. Because not only were those covenants between Jenna and I, but there were between us and God. I can't deny what I experienced and I owe it to Jenna and the Lord to be worthy of them both.
The rest of our wedding day was also wonderful. We had a luncheon in Washington, Utah at the Staheli Farms (not really a farm!). We had a small ring ceremony conducted by Scott Sorensen for parents and family that weren't able to attend the temple. It was very nice.
We checked into our hotel early for some quiet time in the afternoon after the luncheon.
The reception was at the St. George Opera House. It was so nice. The decorations, lights, music, and hundreds (it seemed) of people who came to offer support made it a great memory...and of course we drove away in a very decorated car.
And that was just the beginning of our adventure. It wasn't perfect, but it was good. I am grateful for it. I married well.